Monday, May 21, 2007

Goals I set in the past 4 years that we accomplished:

1. Achieve Senior Director, own a SUV--2004 Ford black Expedition with leather heated seats, DVD player, walk the stage at convention in 2004 and go to Idaho Falls, Idaho for Road to Executive in July 2004 (company pays for you and spouse to go there and they treat you like royalty and pay for everything including a white water rafting trip) when get to SD. (made that decision at convention in 2003 as a Director 4--my first convention).

2. Achieve Executive Director (May 2006) (set that goal at Road to

3. Give children a stay at home dad and mom. Retire Todd home from Sprint (set that goal after got to Senior Director. It was a dream in my heart since August 1997 when we had our first baby)--achieved in August, 2006.

4. Take family on Company cruise (March 2006). Set that goal when heard about it in May 2005--made deposit and got brochures with pictures and developed plan for how I could get our company to pay for most of it.

5. Take children to DisneyWorld--achieved Dec. 2006 (set that goal after got to Director 2).

6. Todd farm some property--going to Africa to do this in March 2007 (set that goal in October 2004).

7. Build our dream house--Todd do a lot of the work and me decorate it and have the finances to do it how I want to and get training to do it more professionally. (set this goal in January 2005, started with blueprints and then searched for land and started to build in August of that year. In May of 2005 I flew to Dallas for design school)

8. Go to Sybaris with Todd for a getaway weekend. (made this goal Summer of 2003 and I got on the website and requested to get on mailing list so every couple of months I got postcards with photos and discounts that kept that in front of me. It was the best time of our 10 years of marriage together and incredibly AWESOME!! It gave us the vision to create one of those as a ministry to marriages.)

9. Take girls to American Girl place in Chicago, ILL. Did that in fall of 2003—had a special tea party, bought them each a doll and made some of the best memories. Elisabeth said, “Mommy, thank you so much--that was the best time I ever had with you” I felt soo good!!

Shari Snyder

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hard Core Serious Builders making things happen and changing people’s lives!

Way to go, Team!

Katie, a brand new director this month, did 3 presentations today by herself and helped Wendy and Jason get to director—they enrolled 7 today and had 2 already. They’re planning to go for 11 or 12 this month. They are a dynamic couple that everyone loves and respects. Congratulations, Wendy and Jason! You rock!

Katie also enrolled a personal today which makes 10 for her this month. At Lewis Rasmussens’ training last night in Southfield, she had the most enrollments of the month and won a prize. She beat out Melissa Oli, Veronica Gaudet’s personal, who has always had the most enrollments every time Lewis has come to town the last 10 times. She was a great sport and congratulated Katie for beating her. Lewis’ training is my all time favorite company training ever and if you missed it, I feel so sorry for you.

Katie’s dad David enrolled 3 today which makes 6 for him this month. He is an incredibly successful business man who is so TEACHABLE and humble to follow directions from someone who is much younger than him (namely me). My mentor told me that “Success is as simple as following directions”. Katie plans to be Director 2 by May 31 and Senior by August 31 this year and by golly, she will do it so look out! She has 4 more in homes scheduled for her team in the next 2 weeks already. If you are on her team, you are so incredibly BLESSED to have a leader that everyone in this business dreams of following!

Congratulations, Judy, Katie’s enrollment, for stepping up and having your first in home. You had 100% sign up rate. You followed directions and you will be incredibly successful and be able to buy your own house before you know it if you just follow Katie’s example and keep on keeping on. I look forward to your success!

Congratulations, Leslie, single mother of 7, who has 14 “yes’s” for her first in home tomorrow night. She just enrolled on Saturday. Way to go, girl! You are going places and you’re not gonna give up on your dreams. You are a beautiful leader that inspires others with “If I can do it, you can do it”

Congratulations, Tahlee, for stepping up and after being a customer for 17 months, decided to build a business and had 15 guests at her first in home. Tahlee, you did a phenomenal job presenting on Saturday. You are a natural leader and people will follow you and I certainly do see 6 and 7 figures in your future! She drove from Grandville to Southfield last night. I love your smile and you have such a magnetic personality. You can do it, girl!

Congratulations, Jackie, who enrolled March 6 and was director by March 31, for driving from Adrian to Southfield last night and you had to get up at 4:30 the next morning. You brought 2 friends, one was a customer and the other signed up and is building a business. You followed directions and came with your friends to hear Lewis. You’re awesome!

Thank you to Jackie, Katie, Shirley, Trena, Leslie, Tahlee, Katie for driving all the way to Southfield for Lewis last night.

I’m so proud of each and every one of you and Todd and I are so honored to work with you and so excited to watch your checks grow and grow way beyond ours and in much less time, too!

You are the Hard Core Serious Builders making things happen and changing people’s lives!

Shari Snyder
Ph: 517-507-5044 Cell: 517-204-0123

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let another praise you and not you yourself!We are so thankful for all the Kudos!

I AM SO SO EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN STAND IT! You and Todd are great rolemodels! I think that I should be a senior director by the end of thesummer! you are a great friend!

Katie Howlett

That was a GREAT email. You are awesome.I am so in. I have to say that I am so proud of you. You are such a great leader and I am honored to be following in your foot steps. Thank you also for being such a great friend.We truely ENJOY being around you guys.

Love ya tons Christie Jones

You are to funny! I am so glad that I could help. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. I love being able to hang out with you every week.


The Rewards of One Mother’s Diligence and Faith
Meribeth Schierbeek, Hudsonville, MI

The summer of 06 I had began praying for a job that I could be passionate about. I needed to help my husband out with the family finances. I’ve cleaned houses for 5 years, before that I worked in a Greenhouse; I sold shredding services. I just hated to leave home. The only thing I was passionate about was being a Mom.

I believe God used poison ivy! I had tried everything to get rid of it. My Mom came over with some amazing oil and one week later my poison ivy was gone!! She told me Shari Snyder was going to call me about the company. I WAS NOT going to do parties and sell stuff to my friends and family…. I was VERY skeptical!! I threw everything at Shari, how many friends did she lose, how much product do you have lying around, etc.

Nevertheless, it was an open door from a prayer I had prayed. I ordered the Top Pak, put my other unsafe products away and decided to try the NEW store and see if this was something I believed in. The day my products came was the busiest day of my life…my thoughts were, “What did I do?” Satan loves to cause doubt, but I charged ahead despite my fear and used all the products the next day. I could not believe how awesome they were. I was sold!
I scoured my business box; it had everything I needed to succeed and started telling people. Shari came and did my first 2 in homes and I enrolled 8 customers in 4 weeks. I became a director in Pacesetter time and received a bonus, my first check was $292 and the incentive they had that month was a laptop computer! It is a Dell top of the line computer (valued around $850). It was fun to see how excited the kids were. They got to see what a little work and commitment can do.

This is just a story on how God answered my prayers for an opportunity to help out my family. I would not have gotten involved with telling others if; #1 the products didn’t work, and #2, if they were too expensive for families like me to use. The people I have told about our company have been amazed on how well each product works.

It took commitment and determination to decide I was sick of finances stressing me out each month, we wanted to keep the kids in Christian School and we knew this could be a great avenue for me to stay at home. It has been awesome to meet people and get to share not only our company but also share their families’ lives too. My advice to you is, “Do not let fear get in your way of any of the plans God lays for you!” I am so glad I ordered the Top Pak and stepped out in trembling faith; I am amazed at how God used me!!

Meribeth Schierbeek, Hudsonville, MI

Shari Snyder and Working at Home

Stay at Home Mom, Shari Snyder, found freedom to work, raise her kids and achieve her dreams earning $ 117,000 working part time in a business she was 100% in control of.

Shari Snyder built a career around being an elementary schoolteacher. Investing into the education, the experience and the demands required she loved her job. Yet when she became a mother for the first time she realized that she didn’t want to leave her children to be raised by someone else.

Searching and praying for a home based business, after 5 years of ups and downs, the typical ins and outs of self-employment, 4 different companies and $ 10,000 in debt in the process, Shari used to think that it was necessary to lose a lot of money first before becoming successful. However things finally took shape when Shari finally settled into a profitable home based business that paid her $ 117,000 working part time from the comforts of her own home.

Starting off at a pace much faster than her previous means of supplementing her income cleaning houses part time, Shari earned $ 452 her very first month working at home. The rewards of having more time with her family, given more to charities she supports, paying off over $ 10,000 in credit card debt and having the freedom to do whatever she wanted to do gave Shari the satisfaction that many only dream about.